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Jordanian Labor Watch calls for improving private sector infrastructure for people with disabilities
A specialized position paper called for improving the infrastructure, especially in the private sector, to make it attractive and suitable for people with disabilities, as a step towards enhancing their integration into the labor market and their involvement in the development process.
The Phenix Center and the West Asia-North Africa (WANA) Institute sign a Memorandum of Understanding to promote human rights in Jordan
The Phenix Center for Economic and Informatics Studies (PCEIS) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the West Asia-North Africa Institute for Development and Training (WANA) of the Royal Scientific Society to deepen cooperation on human rights in Jordan, specifically the rights of persons with disabilities.
The Phenix Center launches its annual campaign to mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
The Phenix Center for Economic Studies, as part of its Jordanian Labor Watch program, is launching its annual media campaign on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, which falls on November 25 of each year.
Phenix Center: Raising Jordan's Minimum Wage: An Investment in Justice and Economic Development
A new position paper issued by the Jordanian Labor Watch of the Phenix Center for Economic Studies recommends raising the minimum wage in Jordan to 345 dinars per month in two phases,
Jordanian Labor Watch warns of worsening child labor in Jordan due to unfair economic policies
The Jordanian Labor Watch has warned that the phenomenon of child labor in Jordan continues to worsen due to the continued implementation of “unfair” economic policies that have led to an increase in poverty and unemployment rates.
Latest News
Medical fee dispute threatens healthcare access for Jordanians, warns Phenix Center
Jordanian Labor Watch Welcomes Proposed Amendments to the Agricultural Workers Law
The Phenix Center’s Study Recommends Increasing the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Targeting Jordan's Older People with Social Protection Systems
Jordanian Experts: SMEs face many challenges in switching to alternative energy
The Jordanian Labor Watch renews its rejection of increasing doctors' wages without taking parallel measures to enable citizens to afford them
Phenix Center concludes training on empowering youth to work on cloud platforms.
Phenix Center concludes training for agricultural workers on decent work standards and advocacy in the agricultural sector
Phenix Center: Proposed amendments to the Labor Law will have serious implications for decent work standards
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Reports & Policy Papers
Labor Protests in Jordan 2023
Analytical Study on Barriers for Women to Start and Run Micro and Small Businesses in Jordan
Study Labor Market Conditions and Workers' Needs in the Jordanian Agricultural Sector- Roadmap
Policy paper Improving Employment and Recruitment Conditions for Non-Jordanian Agricultural Workers
Policy paper Bridging Legislative Gaps to Enhance Freedom of Association for Agricultural Workers in Jordan
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Statements & Position Papers
Position paper On the Occasion of International Women's Day 2022
Position paper on the occasion of International Youth Day 2021
Position paper on planned amendments to the Social Security Law
Position Paper on the Occasion of the World Day Against Child Labor 2021
Decent Work in Jordan 2018
Position Paper: Violation of Human Rights, and the Constitution and threat National Security 2017
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جانب من إضراب العاملين في شركة السمرا لتوليد الكهرباء
جانب من إضراب العاملين في شركة الصناعات العربية
جانب من إضراب المعلمين 2014
جانب من احتجاج يطالب برفع الحد الأدنى للأجور
جانب من اعتصام العاملين في شركة توليد الكهرباء
جانب من اعتصام عمال الموفينبيك
جانب من اعتصام موظفو شركة دار الدواء
جانب من إضراب موظفي شركة الكهرباء الوطنية
جانب من اضراب العاملين في جامعة البولتيكنك
جانب من إضراب نقابة الممرضين الأردنيين
الاحتجاجات العمالية في الأردن