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> Labor Watch demands facilitating the participation of persons with disabilities in the labor market

Labor Watch demands facilitating the participation of persons with disabilities in the labor market

Phenix Center
Labor Watch demands facilitating the participation of persons with disabilities in the labor market
Labor Watch- A Position Paper recommended that the Article 4 of the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities should be redrafted to ensure their effective application and the institutions should be obliged to provide a facilitating for the work and life of persons with disabilities.
The paper, issued by the Jordanian Labor Watch of the Phenix Center for Economic and Informatics Studies in cooperation with the German Friedrich Ebert Foundation on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on the third of December, stated that there is a need to activate the role of the control institutions in the implementation of Article 13 Of the Labor Law and Article 4 of the Law of the Persons with Disabilities to ensure of the public and private sector's commitment regarding to the employment of persons with disabilities.
The paper pointed out that, despite the provisions of the Labor Law and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Law, which obliged public and private sectors and companies with at least 50 workers to employ one worker with disabilities, and if they are more than 50 workers, the employees number of Persons with Disabilities must be not less than 4% of the number of employees if that appropriate with work nature in the institution, but the fact confirms the low rate of employment of people with disabilities, in the public sector or private, it is estimated that the employment rate of persons with disabilities in the sector In general, does not exceed 1.0%, compared to 0.5% in the private sector which deprives those who are able to work from their right to work properly.