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> Farmers demand amendment of the migrant workers instructions

Farmers demand amendment of the migrant workers instructions

Phenix Center
Farmers demand amendment of the migrant workers instructions
Labor Watch- On Tuesday morning, dozens of Preparatory Committee's members of the Jordan Farmers Gathering held a sit-in in front of the Ministry of Labor protesting against the ministry's decisions on migrant workers.

The sit-in came as an escalating step as a result of the Ministry of Labor’s insistence not to return the fees of the migrant worker to the amount of 120 dinars and the Ministry's request for a bank guarantee of 5000 dinars for each migrant worker which is a burden on the farmers, in addition to the ministerial circulation about the requirement to receive the worker from the border crossings what the farmers considered it a miracle difficult to achieve.

Farmers are also demanding for opening the door to recruitment, and tightening the punishment and the financial fine on all those who employ leaked workers to sectors other than the agricultural sector with a fine of 5000 dinars.