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> A collective agreement ends labor dispute at Elba House Company

A collective agreement ends labor dispute at Elba House Company

Phenix Center
A collective agreement ends labor dispute at Elba House Company
Labor Watch -  A collective agreement signed at the Ministry of Labor ended the labor dispute which rose between the General Trade Union of Land Transport Workers and Elba House Company.

In the reconciliation session, both parties agreed to grant workers a financial award of equivalent to a one month salary to be due in the beginning of next month and paid during the fiscal year provided the company achieves profits of not less than 10% of the turnover in the previous year.
The company agreed to include wives of workers in health insurance to cover 50% of the cost, and to provide transportation to and from the company.

Earlier, Dr. Nidal Alqatamin, Minister of Labor, Tourism and Antiquities confirmed a steady decline in the number of labor disputes which reached this year until the end of last September 60 labor disputes, while the number reached 77 last year, compared with 100 labor disputes in 2012.