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> Female Workers of Tafilah Radio Station strike for the seventh day in a row

Female Workers of Tafilah Radio Station strike for the seventh day in a row

Phenix Center
Female Workers of Tafilah Radio Station strike for the seventh day in a row
Labor Watch – Female Workers at Tafilah Technical University radio station continued their strike for the seventh day in a row in the radio station facility, demanding for a permanent employment contract for them in their jobs amid threats of dismissal from work if they did not back down from the strike and deducted the strike days from their salaries.

Workers began a strike on Tuesday and then a hunger strike on Wednesday and Thursday, but the deterioration of the health situation for two women of the strikers and their admission to the hospital forced them to back out of hunger strike while continuing the strike of the work.

They demanding for a permanent employment contract as they have been working on the radio station for more than three years without a permanent employment contract and without social security or health insurance.
Workers threatened to hold a sit-in on the fourth circle with their families if their demands were not met.