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> JORAMCO threatens workers to stop wages

JORAMCO threatens workers to stop wages

Phenix Center
JORAMCO threatens workers to stop wages
Labor Watch - JORAMCO Company has threatened its employees with the legal prosecution and stop paying wages for them due to a strike they held on Sunday to demand their rights.
The company said that "striking workers and / or any worker who strikes are aware that they are acting against the law and if any worker does not comply with the company's notice of the necessity of resume the work in the company and carrying out his responsibility properly, the company will initiate legal proceedings against any worker participating in the strike, in addition of stop paying wages for them regarding to the law".
The employees' requirements represented of the following: adjust the career ladder, reduce the number of years of experience required to upgrade to "Senior Mechanic" to maximum 5 years, increase salaries by 50% to meet the economic conditions and living expenses in Jordan, get the 15th salary instead of the annual bonus, appropriate good workplace environment, and ensure the functional, financial and psychological stability of employees.