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> Coalition 72" demands not to link the establishment of nurseries with the number of female workers

Coalition 72" demands not to link the establishment of nurseries with the number of female workers

Phenix Center
Coalition 72
Labor Watch - The National Coalition for the amendment of article 72 of the Labor Law (coalition 72) demanded the cancellation of the requirement to determine the number of female workers in the institution to establish nurseries for children, to avoid the any actions against employing women as a result of activating the article as currently drafted. The Coalition calls for establishing a nursery at the workplace if there are at least 20 working mothers with 10 children under the age of four. 
The members of the coalition met with the Parliamentary Labor Committee to discuss the amendments of the article on the establishment of day care within the workplace following the opening of the Labor Law for discussion at this parliamentary session. "It must be emphasized that caring for children is a family responsibility, Childcare should also be a national responsibility.”
The Coalition also said that the article should include provisions to allow employers to choose the appropriate nursery model, including inter-institutional daycare in one geographic area, and contracting with nearby nurseries, that might be owned by associations and cooperatives, or home nurseries, or provide workers with coupons of nurseries enrollment, in case establishing a nursery at the workplace is hard or the area does not meet the minimum childcare requirement".
 A member of the coalition (72) Reem Aslan said that "the demands of the coalition to amend the article comes in the context of the pursuit of civil society institutions and the parties concerned to achieve justice between female and male workers in the labor market, regardless of the size of companies, by providing institutional nurseries of working families on a large scale.
(coalition 72) membership includes, SADAQA Foundation, Jordanian National Commission for Pay Equity,The Jordanian National Commission for Women, General Federation of Jordanian Trade Unions, The Women's Committee of the General Federation of Jordanian Trade Unions, The Phenix Centre for Economics and Informatics Studies, Arab Women's Association, The Jordanian Women's Union, And Stand with Teachers campaign as well as women activists.