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> Jordan: Next year’s hiring only upon approval by the Council of Ministers

Jordan: Next year’s hiring only upon approval by the Council of Ministers

Phenix Center
Jordan: Next year’s hiring only upon approval by the Council of Ministers
labor watch - Secretary General of the Civil Service Bureau, Sameh Alnaser revealed that all 2015 appointments in the Government sector shall require approval of the Council of Ministers including appointments in the Ministries of Education, Health, and Municipalities.
Alnaser stressed that the Governments’ decision to halt appointments should be applicable in the next year and was linked in serious cases with consent of the Council of Ministers; implying that there will be no appointments next year except through the approval of the Council of Ministers including appointments in the Ministries of Education, Health, and Municipalities.
Alnaser pointed out that the Bureau started preparations to receive the Government departments’ needs of positions in order to request the Budget Bureau to secure allocations.