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> The Federation of Independent Trade Unions condemns the arrest of a number of workers at the “Container Terminal”

The Federation of Independent Trade Unions condemns the arrest of a number of workers at the “Container Terminal”

Phenix Center
The Federation of Independent Trade Unions condemns the arrest of a number of workers at the “Container Terminal”
labor watch - The Federation of Independent Trade Unions condemned the unjustifiable arrest and beating of a number of workers at the Container Terminal Company in Aqaba.
The Federation said in a statement it has issued that the crisis ought to be resolved through dialogue away from challenging the will of workers, termination of their services, or replacing them by expatriate workers. 
The statement added that “the current tension and accompanying escalation confirm lack of dialogue between concerned parties”
The Federation concluded “We in the Jordanian Federation of Independent Trade Unions call for a quick solution to the Container Terminal workers’ strike through setting down to a negotiation table with the genuine representatives of workers; and not to tamper with social peace through layoffs of contract workers or mobilization of expatriate workers; as well as the immediate release of arrested workers, preservation of workers’ gains as stipulated in the collective agreement signed in 2012, retaining their working hours system, and not to expose the Jordanian economy to additional damages”. The statement added “the practiced obstinacy policy shall face but failure and lead additional societal tension”. 
It is noteworthy, however, that the Gendarmerie Forces had arrested about 33 persons of workers and employees of the Aqaba Container Terminal company after having used tear gas against them in front of the company gate upon refusal of the company management to allow workers to enter their work locations according to the General Trade Union of Workers in the Seaports and Clearance.