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> Agricultural Workers' Union Holds Sit-In Demanding Social Security Inclusion

Agricultural Workers' Union Holds Sit-In Demanding Social Security Inclusion

Phenix Center
Agricultural Workers' Union Holds Sit-In Demanding Social Security Inclusion
The Jordanian Independent Trade Union of Agricultural Workers carried out a sit-in today in front of the House of Representatives of Jordan. 

Their main demand is to activate the agriculture workers' regulation, which was issued by the Ministry of Labour which was established in 2021. and to include all agricultural workers under the umbrella of social security.
The president of the union, Mithqal Al Zinati, told Jordanian Labor Watch that none of the representatives approached them, which prompted them to submit a memorandum containing all their demands to a staff member in the House of Representatives to be delivered to the labor and agricultural committees.

Al Zinati expressed frustration with the delay in implementing the regulation. He revealed to Jordan Labor Watch that farm owners pressured the government to postpone its activation, thereby leaving thousands of workers without social security benefits.

In discussions with Jordan Labor Watch, Al Zinati highlighted the workers' determination to establish a dedicated general syndicate for agriculture workers. He added that this move aims to protect and defend their rights and interests, as they believe that being part of The General Trade Union of workers in Food Industries has not adequately safeguarded their interests.

One of the crucial demands put forth during the sit-in is the signing of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention, 1948 (No. 87) agreement. By signing this agreement, the union seeks to ensure that thousands of workers are not deprived of their right to form a syndicate or a union, thereby strengthening their collective bargaining power and enhancing their overall welfare.