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> Sit-in of the University of Science and Technology’s staff

Sit-in of the University of Science and Technology’s staff

Phenix Center
Sit-in of the University of Science and Technology’s staff
Labor Watch - On Sunday, a number of employees of the University of Science and Technology held a sit-in in front of the building of the university presidency to demand better health insurance service at King Abdullah University Hospital.
The employees also demand an amendment of the dental insurance for university staff, an "ISO" allowance for administrative staff like the one paid to faculty members, an increase in the annual leave from 21 to 30 days, without counting the Friday and Saturday holidays, and the establishment of a pilot school for the children of the university staff, like in other universities.
The protesters also demand an increase in the total salary of employees, the reinstatement of a risk allowance for staff working in agriculture and for employees who had been excluded from it, in accordance with the social security.