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> Sit-in for yellow taxi drivers

Sit-in for yellow taxi drivers

Phenix Center
Sit-in for yellow taxi drivers
Labor Watch - A number of yellow taxi drivers staged a sit-in in front of the Land Transport Regulatory Commission on Tuesday to demand smart apps’ transport companies are subject to the law.
The protesters are demanding the implementation of the previous agreement with the Ministry of Transport and the Land Transport Regulatory Commission to form a follow-up committee to implement the rules on ride-hailing services, to accelerate the mechanism of electronic connectivity between the Commission and the Central Traffic Department, to stop the licensing of new smart apps’ transport companies, and to stop all the unlicensed ride-hailing services and those that have not completed the licensing procedures. 
Drivers are also demanding to stop any promotional offer for smart apps’ transport companies, to oblige all vehicles operating through apps to place a side print on their vehicles and to allow only the owner to drive their own vehicle, while allowing taxi drives to use fully electric cars.