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> The Professional Association Council links the technical premium to grades

The Professional Association Council links the technical premium to grades

Phenix Center
The Professional Association Council links the technical premium to grades

Labor Watch- The chairman of the Unions’ Council, the President of the Pharmacists Association Zeid Kilani, said that the Council unanimously agreed on a unified formula to guarantee the highest levels of justice in the assignment of technical bonuses, and in the civil service system in general, by linking the technical bonuses to the grades.

He added in a press release on Saturday, that the Council proceeded to discuss specific proposals concerning the amendment of the Statute, focusing on the instructions of bonuses to approve ratios of increase according to the above mentioned principle which will be adopted unanimously.

He said that after the proposal on the ratios will be completed it will be submitted to the Prime Minister. Meetings with ministers and relevant official bodies of the government will continue in order to reach agreements on the discussions that have been going on for several months.