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> "Work": Suspension of the issue and renewal of work permits for non-Jordanian academics

"Work": Suspension of the issue and renewal of work permits for non-Jordanian academics

Phenix Center
Labor Watch - The Minister of Labor decided to stop granting or renewing work permits for faculty members in Jordanian universities and public and private colleges for any non-Jordanian nationality.
The decision came after the Minister of Labor met with a number of unemployed doctors who hold degrees such as associate or assistant professor in various disciplines, including rare and technical ones from prestigious universities.
During the meeting, the Minister of Labor listened to the complaints of the Ph.D. graduates regarding the inability to obtain job opportunities in Jordanian universities, notwithstanding their extensive experience and their degrees from the most prestigious international and Arab universities, including Jordanian ones.
The Minister of Labor explained that any application from universities or colleges submitting a request for issuing or renewing work permits for non-Jordanians teaching staff, will be reviewed individually. Their application will be rejected in the case of availability of Jordanian alternative staff in any of the scientific or humanitarian branches, in order to give priority to the Jordanian citizens.