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> Teachers' strike continues on Tuesday

Teachers' strike continues on Tuesday

Phenix Center
Teachers' strike continues on Tuesday
Labor Watch- Deputy President of the Jordanian Teachers Syndicate, Nasser Al-Nawasrah, announced the continuation of the teachers' strike on Tuesday, calling on teachers to abide by the union's decisions. 
In a speech on the latest developments of the strike, Al-Nawasrah said that the Syndicate's council decided to appeal before the Supreme Court the decision of the Administrative Court to stop the strike within the legal period of 15 days.
He added that the union respects the judiciary and the independent and impartial work of the  court, stating that "the union is committed to the law and exercise its constitutional right to express opinion by peaceful means."
Regarding the decision of the Ministry of Education to call substitute teachers to hamper the strike, Al-Nawasrah said that "these are miserable attempts". He also pointed out that if the ministry has the availability of substitute teachers it should first fill the gaps in the current education staff.