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> Journalists of “Petra” and “Radio and Television” demand for a raise

Journalists of “Petra” and “Radio and Television” demand for a raise

Phenix Center
Journalists of “Petra” and “Radio and Television” demand for a raise
Labor Watch- Journalists of Jordan News Agency and Radio and Television called for a premium in both institutions, an increase in the allowances for rewards and transfers, a fixation on overtime work, and a re-description and classification of names and press functions. 
A statement issued by the committee representing the journalists of the Radio and Television and the Jordan News Agency pointed to a state of "ambiguity and void" in the public administration of both institutions, calling for the opening of a dialogue on the legitimate demands of the journalists, in order to provide suitable work conditions for the journalists.
The committee said it will evaluate all the options that ensure the fulfillment of the demands of the 350 journalists and the continuity of the work of their institutions in a way that serves the national interest.
Deputy president of the Journalists’ syndicate, Yanal Barmawi, said that the Union Council sent an official correspondence to demand that the professional allowance is  increased to include journalists who do not benefit from it.
Barmawi stressed that the Union Council will not approve any proposals concerning the improvement of their living conditions, unless they guarantee a fair and equitable increase in the occupational allowance.