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> “Al-Nawasrah”: extraordinary actions to come/next extraordinary actions

“Al-Nawasrah”: extraordinary actions to come/next extraordinary actions

Phenix Center
“Al-Nawasrah”: extraordinary actions to come/next extraordinary actions
Labor Watch - The Vice-President of the Jordanian Teachers Association (JTA), Dr. Nasser Al-Nawasra, stated that the Union has many escalatory measures that will be revealed later. He stressed that some of them are unusual but legitimate.
When the government spokesperson, Jumana Ghanimat, stated that the government will waive the career development path if the union will give up on the 50-per cent raise, Al-Nawasrah responded that the union did not demand the abolition of the career path, but the amendment of the formula put forward because it is "twisted/distorted".
The union added that a career path that develops teacher performance, arranges incentives and bonuses and links them to teacher performance, has to be in partnership between the union and the ministry and it must be accompanied by the deletion of article 5/d of the union law (which restricts the union from interfering in the conditions of practicing the profession or in the career or education policies), stressing that there is a difference between talking about the career development path and the 50-per cent raise, where the latter represents the minimum condition to improve teachers’ living conditions.
He stressed that the strike will continue until the demands of teachers will be fulfilled.