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> Taxi drivers staged a sit-in in front of the "House of Representatives"

Taxi drivers staged a sit-in in front of the "House of Representatives"

Phenix Center
Taxi drivers staged a sit-in in front of the
Labor Watch - The drivers of the yellow taxi, on Tuesday, staged a sit-in in front of the House of Representatives, to demand the suspension of the work of private vehicles operating in the public form, especially vehicles operating according to smart applications.
Drivers are required to determine the number of vehicles that work with smart application companies, to determine and control pricing, stop offers, determine the driver's nationality, require that the driver carry a Professional Driving Permit, put the Stackers on the vehicle, use the vehicle only from its owner or from First-class relatives, and commitment to the type of vehicle.
"The sit-in came after the government broke its promises to implement the demands made by the union and the yellow taxi drivers," said Ahmad al-Jdou, secretary of the union of the owners of the taxi offices.
Al-Jdou explained that the yellow taxi sector has suffered large losses due to the non-application of laws and regulations on vehicles operating in the public in addition to that the numbers of these vehicles are not specified by the Ministry of Transport and the Land Transport Regulatory Commission.