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> A layoff of 120 employees in Mudieb Haddad and Sons Company

A layoff of 120 employees in Mudieb Haddad and Sons Company

Phenix Center
A layoff of 120 employees in Mudieb Haddad and Sons Company
Labor Watch- Mudieb Haddad & Sons Company decided to lay off all employees of the company's factory, which manufactures and produces 120 kg of Colgate / Palmolive products, and stops all local manufacturing operations in Jordan.
The company said in a statement that the full financial dues of the laid-off workers will be paid according to the Jordanian Labor Law.
The company justified its decision that the parent company (Colgate / Palmolive) will cancel the local manufacturing agreement and replace it with a selling and distributing agency agreement.
The company noted that the decision of "Colgate / Palmolive" came to sell its manufactured products in its factories around the world and to enter their products to Jordan duty-free.
The company explained in its statement that the other reason is the high cost of production in Jordan, where the prices of energy and electricity are the highest in the region, as well as fees and taxes and the cost of Jordanian workers, and high rates of bank fees.