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> "Independent Trade Union of Municipal Workers" announces a sit-in next week

"Independent Trade Union of Municipal Workers" announces a sit-in next week

Phenix Center
Labor Watch - The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Municipal Workers announced a sit-in in front of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs next week, 2019/1/17, to demand the implementation of all provisions of the agreement with the Minister of Municipal Affairs signed last November.
In a statement issued on Monday evening, the Federation denounced the divert of the municipal labor allowance to a committee composed of the Legislative Council and the Civil Service Bureau and the development of institutional performance, pointing out that this foreshadows that the realization of this demand is out of reach or include it in the budget of this year is difficult as this committee may take four months.
The union pointed out that the demand to regularize daily wage workers has not been presented to the Council of Ministers despite having actually been in the Prime Minister for more than two weeks.
He pointed out that there are serious talks about achieving some of the demands, but not practical action concrete, while the committees that were formed ten days ago was not called to meet.
The Federation called on municipal workers to participate actively in the sit-in, stressing that it would not dissuade the Federation from its decision to implement the sit-in, only through the periodic or emergency decision of the Council of Ministers to implement the demands.