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> Journalists of the Jordanian News Agency staged a sit-in in front of the Prime Minister

Journalists of the Jordanian News Agency staged a sit-in in front of the Prime Minister

Phenix Center
Journalists of the Jordanian News Agency staged a sit-in in front of the Prime Minister
Labor Watch - A group of journalists working for the Jordanian news agency/ Petra intend to carry out a sit-in in front of the prime minister's office to reject the policy of the government and journalists union which prevented them from covering the journalists' union four years ago, as well as members of the Journalists Union in the same category and degree who receive the same allowance.
Journalists close to the protesters said they had met and decided to start a series of sit-ins in front of the prime minister, the Civil Service Bureau, and the Journalists Union, which they said had "left them alone for four years without doing anything to obtain their rights."
The protestors were quoted by members of the Journalists 'Union Council as saying that the meeting between the journalists' Union and the members of the council with Prime Minister Dr. Omar al-Razzaz did not address their problem for years, despite repeated promises by the president to obtain their rights.