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> Ma'an school guards threaten to stop working

Ma'an school guards threaten to stop working

Phenix Center
Ma'an school guards threaten to stop working
Labor Watch - Guards in the schools of education of the southern Badia, Ma'an Governorate, accused the Ministry of Education of violating the Labor Law and employ them contrary to the provisions of the law without counting the additional period of their work as an additional paid work. And they threatened to stop working if the ministry did not respond to their demands to reduce the working hours from 16 hours to 8 hours and abide by the labor law and grant them leave and not obliged them to guard more than one school at the same time in addition to change their job title from user to guard.
Ali Fadhel al-Thiabat, one of the guards who has been working with the ministry for more than 11 years as a guard, said that poor working conditions and low salaries under these difficult economic conditions threaten their social and economic security.
He pointed out that the ministry refuses to change their job titles because they have not been given the difficult  work allowance despite the writing many letters regarding to this issue and demanding of include them in the Scholarships of the teachers' children , which was supposed to be to the sons of Ministry of Education's employees, pointing out that they will stage an open sit-in if The Ministry will not respond to our demands within the next two weeks.