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> Agricultural engineers threaten of hunger strike

Agricultural engineers threaten of hunger strike

Phenix Center
Agricultural engineers threaten of hunger strike
Labor Watch - 27 agricultural engineers working in the Greater Amman Municipality plan to start a hunger strike next Tuesday to achieve job demands according to the Agricultural Engineers Association.
Protesters demand that their job titles must be changed to match the university degree they hold and to improve their financial conditions.
For his part, the head of agricultural engineers Abdul Hadi Al-Falahat announced that the engineers are heading to a hunger strike, after the Great Amman Municipality obstinacy and refusal to meet their demands supported by the association.
Stressing that the association has opened consultations with several former bodies, including the 27 engineers, and the Greater Amman Municipality to end the engineers' sit-in before their strike next Tuesday, but without avail.
Al-Falahat pointed out that these demands have been placed at the Greater Amman Municipality table for 3 months without any result, although there are guidances from the Prime Minister to solve this problem, adding that the association is serious in solving problems with the Greater Amman Municipality if there is a serious intention.