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> "Social Security Corporation" classified the occupation of loading and unloading “porterage” is a hazardous occupations

"Social Security Corporation" classified the occupation of loading and unloading “porterage” is a hazardous occupations

Phenix Center
Labor Watch - Social security spokesperson Mousa al-Subaihi said that the profession of loading and unloading "porterage" was classified in hazardous occupations according to the hazardous occupations schedule attached to the amended system of insurance benefits no. 120 of 2016 issued under Social Security Law No. (1) Of 2014.

He added in a press statement that the porter is the one who carries the goods and materials and arranged in the stores or cars or the place allocated or unloaded, indicating that this profession was considered dangerous because it requires physical force as the nature of the profession of porter is difficult and irregular and requires work in different weather conditions, In addition to carrying heavy weights with uncomfortable and unhealthy physical conditions. The risks of the occupation are increased according to the nature of the work site or the load.

Al-Subaihi called employers who employ workers in the profession of portering, including those working in the field of loading and unloading in companies, warehouses, stores, etc., to provide the Social Security Corporation with the names of these workers, their wages and dates of employment in this profession as well as commit the employers of paying (1%) of the wages of each worker in this profession as a social security, in addition to the rest contributions due to them in accordance with the law, in order to protect the rights of these workers.