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> A sit-in for "doctors" in conjunction with the visit of the Minister of Health to "Professional Associations Complex"

A sit-in for "doctors" in conjunction with the visit of the Minister of Health to "Professional Associations Complex"

Phenix Center
A sit-in for
Labor Watch - The specialists' doctors in the training who are qualified residents, certificate holders from abroad and residents who completed their residency successfully, held a sit-in on Tuesday at the Professional Associations Complex in conjunction with the Minister of Health visit to the complex for sponsoring the oath-taking ceremony of the new doctors' department.

The doctors raised banners demanding the dissolution of their case and the granting of a professional certificate in the field of specialization for those who successfully completed their residency in centers accredited to the Jordanian Medical Council, similar to the neighboring Arab countries and foreign countries.
It was agreed during the visit of the Minister of Health to discuss the demands of the protesters during a special meeting scheduled to be held at the end of next week.

The doctors had held a sit-in last Thursday in the Medical Council to demand reconsideration of the laws and regulations of the Medical Council for students and holders of certificates of specialization and Ph.D. from abroad, and the equivalence the certificates of the doctors who joined the program of competence before the date 13/12/200, whereas the laws in Jordan do not apply retrospectively .
They also demanded to get the professional certificate in the specialization for all those who successfully completed their residency in centers accredited by the Jordanian Medical Council, similar to neighboring Arab countries and foreign countries, so that the doctor is legally covered under the Medical Liability Law.