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> Engineers working in the Ministry of Education suspend their sit-in

Engineers working in the Ministry of Education suspend their sit-in

Phenix Center
Engineers working in the Ministry of Education suspend their sit-in
Labor Watch - The Jordan Engineers Association announced the suspension of the sit-in of engineers working in the Ministry of Education on a temporarily until a response from the Ministry of Education regarding the demands.
The union said that Dr. Mahafdheh addressed the Prime Minister with the demands had been made by the union concerning the rights of engineers working in the ministry and that he is waiting for them to be studied and respond to them.
The engineers demand for receiving an additional bonus equal to 50% of the education bonus for the Ministry of Education engineers , in addition to the engineering bonus based on the provisions of Article 26 / A of the Civil Service Law, as the rest of the engineers in the other ministries, set work bonus for engineers working in the Ministry of Education, whose work nature requires it, such as workers in the workshops and laboratories, as well as the workers in the industrial workshops of the diploma holders.