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> Suspension of the "truckers' sit-in" after promises to meet their demands

Suspension of the "truckers' sit-in" after promises to meet their demands

Phenix Center
Suspension of the
Labor Watch - The owners and drivers of the trucks suspended their sit-in, which they started earlier this month, on the airport road after receiving promises from the Ministry of Transport to fulfill their demands.

The decision to suspend the sit-in came after a meeting between the Minister of Transport and the Secretary-General of the Ministry with representatives of the drivers to discuss all the demands of the drivers to reach a formula to secure their demands. 
It was agreed to apply the minimum wage for transporting containers and the payment of transport charges based on the transport document issued by the Transport Regulatory Commission, whether for the individual carrier or the transport companies, open an office for salaries payment and penalize the companies that are not committed to pay these salaries.

The owners and drivers of the trucks carried out their sit-in to demand a minimum wage for transporting containers from Aqaba to Amman, increasing the transportation cost to the governorates and establishing an office to regulate the roles by the Ministry of Transport which ensuring justice and equality in loading for all, in addition to legally establish a unified office legally of the union for the payment of freight by the Ministry of Transport or its representative.