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> Rising Jordan's unemployment rate to reach 18.7%

Rising Jordan's unemployment rate to reach 18.7%

Phenix Center
Rising Jordan's unemployment rate to reach 18.7%
Labor Watch - The results show that the Unemployment Rate has reached (18.7%) during the second quarter of 2018; representing an increase by 0.7 percentage points of the second quarter 2017.
According to the Department of Statistics Report , the Unemployment Rate for males has reached (16.6% ) during the second quarter of 2018 against (26.8%) for females. It becomes clear that the Unemployment Rate has increased for males by 3.2 percentage points and decreased for females by 7.1 percentage points compared with second quarter 2017.
The report indicates the results show the Unemployment Rate is high among the university degree holders (Bachelor degree and higher divided by labor force for the same educational level) by 23.5% compared with the other educational levels.
The report also show that 55.8% of the Unemployed are secondary certificate holders and higher, and that 44.2% have less than secondary school qualifications in addition to that it shows that male Unemployed percentage of bachelor holders and higher was 28.2% against 79.7% for females which is varied according to educational level and sex.
According to the report, the highest rate of Unemployment was recorded in the age group 15-19 and 20-24 years by 42.1% and 37.7% respectively while the highest Rate of Unemployment was recorded in Tafelah at 24.6% and the lowest rate was recorded in Karak at 16.0%.