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> Retired officers organize a sit-in in Khalda

Retired officers organize a sit-in in Khalda

Phenix Center
Retired officers organize a sit-in in Khalda
Labor Watch - Dozens of retired public security officers staged a sit-in in Khalda after a sit-in that was prevented in Dabouq of Amman.
The protesters criticized the procedures of the Directorate of Public Security to pay the housing allowance for 300 officers out of one thousand officers, and they considered that a reducing of the beneficiaries ' percentage of the Housing Fund "encroachment on their rights."
The protesters said that "the payment of housing benefits from the officers' provident fund is considered as Infringement on the retirees' right, and circumvent their demands," pointing out that "the measures taken by the Directorate of Public Security to raise the number of beneficiaries to nine officers monthly at the expense of the Provident Fund is an Infringement on their rights."