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> "Agricultural Engineers Association" hold a sit-in and meet "Al Razzaz"

"Agricultural Engineers Association" hold a sit-in and meet "Al Razzaz"

Phenix Center
Labor Watch - On Tuesday, the Agricultural Engineers Association carried out a sit-in in front of the Greater Amman Municipality to demand the rights of its members in the Greater Amman Municipality.
In conjunction with the implementation of the sit-in, the Prime Minister Dr. Omar Al-Razzaz attended to the Greater Amman Municipality Building and called the Council of the Association of Agricultural Engineers to meet in order to discuss their demands.
The Council of the Association stressed that Greater Amman Municipality must respond to the fair and logical demands of engineers, and the Council expressed optimism of the possibility of achieving the demands in the presence of Prime Minister Omar al-Razzaz.
The council pointed out that the demands of colleagues for their job rights and changing the job titles of the agricultural engineers working in the Greater Amman Municipality have been demanded by many years of dialogue and discussion. However, the successive councils of the Greater Amman Municipality did not respond to these just demands.