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> A protest held by Tafila municipality workers

A protest held by Tafila municipality workers

Phenix Center
A protest held by Tafila municipality workers
Labor Watch - Workers in the municipality of Tafila, on Wednesday, were held a protest demanding to pay their entitlements of rewards of the past months for workers in the cleanliness, maintenance and administrative affairs.
A number of protesters from engineers, workers and administrators pointing out to their difficult living conditions and salaries erosion in the light of high prices, demanding the Ministry to add these bonuses to the salaries constantly, as other governmental departments.

For his part, Director of the Local Development Unit in the Municipality Mohammad Al-Hanaqta said that this protest came after attempts to pay the workers entitlements while the solutions were found including transfer from the budget item that has saved money to the rewards budget item in Tafilah municipality budget, but the Ministry did not show any response to the disbursement these entitlements.