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> Study of raising the minimum wages

Study of raising the minimum wages

Phenix Center
Study of raising the minimum wages
Labor Watch - An informed source confirmed that there is a government approach through the Ministry of Labor to study the possibility of raising the minimum wage.
According to the source, the Ministry of Labor is preparing to hold a meeting including the Tripartite Committee to discuss and study the possibility of raising the minimum wage to 260 dinars instead of 220 dinars, pointing out that this trend followed many claims from trade unions and parliamentary demands.
The source pointed out that the tripartite committee's study of this issue does not mean adopting the decision about it, but to collect information about the extent of the benefit and damage that may be caused by this decision on the economy, the competitiveness of the economic sectors and their production costs, in addition to improve the living conditions of workers in private sectors, in line with current living costs.