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> The owners of trucks demanding their entitlements from "Phosphate Company"

The owners of trucks demanding their entitlements from "Phosphate Company"

Phenix Center
The owners of trucks demanding their entitlements from
Labor Watch - A sit-in has been staged by Dozens of truck drivers working on transfer the phosphate from Eshidiya mines to the port of Aqaba, in front of the management of Eshidiya mines, demanding for their financial entitlements from Jordan Phosphate Company.

Drivers are demanding the financial entitlements for them and for the companies they belong to, which exceeded 8 million dinars and have been outstanding for more than two months.

The drivers said that the phosphate company failed to meet its promises to pay the entitlements of these companies, which have more than 1200 trucks that sustain more than seven thousand families.

The drivers said that, "They have to pay a several instalments to the bank such as the truck instalment and the bank do not recognize these exceptional circumstances resulting from delays in the payment of their entitlements to transport companies", therefore they demand for disbursement of these entitlements speedily before legal action is taken by the banks."