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> Failed the Meeting between representatives of workers and Dar Al Dawa

Failed the Meeting between representatives of workers and Dar Al Dawa

Phenix Center
Failed the Meeting between representatives of workers and Dar Al Dawa
Labor Watch - The intransigence of Dar Al-Dawa for Development and Investment led to the failure of the meeting that was held on Monday, at the Ministry of Labor to discuss the workers' demands.

The meeting was held in the presence of the Minister of Labor and the trade union of workers in health services, workers' representatives and the Chairman of Management Board of Dar Al-Dawa. However, the meeting failed because of the intransigence of the company's management and its insistence on not responding to any of the workers' demands.

"The workers of Dar Al-Dawa, the 850 workers, have staged a strike since last Tuesday to demand rights that directly affect their living rights," said Mohamed Ghanem, Chairman of Trade Union of the workers in Health Services.

"The strike came as a result of the company decision of not responding to workers' demands and it did not adopt any legal commitment concerning to their rights" Ghanem said.