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> Dar Al-Dawa workers' strike continue for the seventh day in a row

Dar Al-Dawa workers' strike continue for the seventh day in a row

Phenix Center
Dar Al-Dawa workers' strike continue for the seventh day in a row
Labor Watch - Workers at Dar Al-Dawa for Development and Investment continued their strike for the seventh day in a row as the company's management refused to talk to workers and their representatives.

 Workers said the company's management refused to talk to the workers in order to discuss their demands; it also incited against the workers and accused them of seeking chaos, vandalism and tampering with the company's property.

The workers affirmed that they would continue the strike until their demands that have been submitted to the factory management were met, stressing that these measures would not be deterring them from claiming their labor rights.

The employees of the company started their open strike last Tuesday,  demanding to adjust the old employees’ salaries according to the career ladder, develop a system of promotions within the company's bylaws, create an environment for job security and determining the bases of staff separation, put an annual increment system, pay a cost of living allowance for employees, reactivate the  Provident Fund, pay the fifteenth salary, regularize all employees who have successfully completed the probationary period and Adopt an incentive system and approved it within the company system.