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> Publication of the Independent Trade Unions Federation for Workers in Jordan Municipalities

Publication of the Independent Trade Unions Federation for Workers in Jordan Municipalities

Phenix Center
Publication of the Independent Trade Unions Federation for Workers in Jordan Municipalities
Labor Watch - The Independent Trade Unions Federation for Workers in Jordan Municipalities recently announced in a meeting held in the presence of Executive Board members of the Independent Trade Union of Workers in Northern Municipalities and members of the Constituent Assembly of the Independent Trade Union of Workers in Southern Municipalities.

The Chairperson of the Federation, Ahmed Saadi, said that the aim of establishing the Federation is to be the first line of defense for the workers in the municipalities of Jordan and to preserve their rights and their gains and unify the workers of the municipalities together.

During the meeting, the Federation's rules of procedure was approved and the Chairperson and the Executive Board were elected as following: Ahmad Al-Saadi as Chairman of the Federation and membership of Hamdan Al-Khatatbeh, Ahmad Al-Shallouh, Nasr Abu Hammam, Bakr Al Shawawreh, Abd alkareem Al-Hajaya, Ziad Al-Naimat, Bilal Al-Dhaisat, Amal Khawila, Nizar Saideen, Mohammad Batayneh, Abd al majid Al Sarhan, Hashim Abu Labdeh, Saleh Mahafdeh, Samer Tbaishat.