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> Dar Al-Dawa workers strike continues for the third day in a row

Dar Al-Dawa workers strike continues for the third day in a row

Phenix Center
Dar Al-Dawa workers strike continues for the third day in a row
Labor Watch - Employees of Dar Al-Dawa for Development and Investment (DAD) continue their strike for the third day in a row in front of the company building after the administration issued a decision of closing the doors and prevented workers from entering after spreading a news about failed the negotiations between employees and management.

The workers said they had removed the tent of the sit-in after they had been informed by the security services that they have the right to hold a sit-in but the tent had to be removed and 
they added that the negotiations between them and the management of the company have yielded no results because of the intransigence of the company's management of not responding to any of the workers' demands.

The director of the company issued a decision to close the company, accusing the striking employees of carrying out acts of sabotage in the company, which required the employees to   published a statement about these accusations, pointing out that the sit-in is "a sit-in free of any political direction", and the demands are about salary increases that have been forbidden to employees for five years, "although the fictional numbers of the remunerations of the managers and management board."