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> “Dar Al Dawa” closes its doors and prevents the workers from entering

“Dar Al Dawa” closes its doors and prevents the workers from entering

Phenix Center
“Dar Al Dawa” closes its doors and prevents the workers from entering
Labor Watch- Dar Al-Dawa closed its doors on Wednesday until further notice after an open strike that was held by the company's workers on Tuesday.

The company sent a letter to the Ministry of Labor saying that a number of the company's employees had stopped working illegally with representatives of the union and the situation was escalated by threatening the company and its employees.
The company stated in its letter that in order to protect the employees and facilities of the company, the Board decided to stop working on Wednesday morning, 18 July 2018.

The workers said that the company's buses were forbidden from transport the employees to prevent them from reaching the company that lead them to use their own cars or taxi to arrive at the company where the gendarmes and security services spread around the building.
The workers pointed out that they had prepared a tent for the strike in front of the company building, and that they will not retreat from the strike until their demands were met.