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> Dar Al-Dawa Workers' strike

Dar Al-Dawa Workers' strike

Phenix Center
Dar Al-Dawa Workers' strike
Labor Watch - The workers of Dar Al-Dawa Company staged this morning a strike to place a strain on the company's management to approve their demands amid the threat of the company's management to take many punitive measures against strikers.

The union of workers in health services and pharmaceutical industries said in a statement issued on Monday that the union submitted the demands of Dar al-Dawa employees in agreement with the union committee to improve the terms and conditions of work. However, the management of the company did not pay attention to these demands, ignoring partnership and the principle of dialogue in labor disputes and adhere to the prejudices in order to refuse to give the workers any of their demands and insist on postponement of consideration of them without any commitment or undertaking orally or in writing.

Employees said that the company's management threatened the striking workers with a 50-dinar deduction from the first day of the strike and 5 dinars for each another day of striking, in addition to deny the employee from getting the salary on the days he stopped working due to the strike.
The employees of the company demand to adjust the old employees’ salaries according to the career ladder, develop a system of promotions within the company's bylaws, put an annual increment system, pay a cost of living allowance for employees, reactivate the  Provident Fund, pay the fifteenth salary and to regularize all employees who have successfully completed the probationary period.