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> "UNRWA": We will not abandon our staff

"UNRWA": We will not abandon our staff

Phenix Center
Labor Watch - The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said that the budget deficit is large and has led to the suspension of some programs, stressing that it will not abandon any of its employees in its five fields of operation.
"UNRWA's budget deficit amount is about $ 217 million," UNRWA spokesman Adnan Abu Hasna said. It started last January after the US administration decided to stop its contribution to UNRWA, which was planned to be about $ 300 million.
Abu Hasna said that UNRWA is working with international parties to curb the budget deficit, confirmed that it has managed to get $ 100 million from the recent Rome Summit, $ 50 from the UAE, $ 50 from Saudi Arabia and 38 million dollars from several countries, which helped to reduce the total deficit from $ 446 million to $ 217 million.