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> Imams’ sit-in in front of the Awqaf next Monday

Imams’ sit-in in front of the Awqaf next Monday

Phenix Center
Imams’ sit-in in front of the Awqaf next Monday
Labor Watch- On Tuesday, the Baord for the preparation of the union for Imams and people working in the mosque announced a protest in front of the Ministry of Awqaf next Monday (4th of November) for the lack of response to their demands.
The Baord`s spokesperson, Mohammed Rasoul Abu Rumman, said to ‘the Jordanian Labor Watch’ that this protest is to demand the adoption of the Union Law based on the Constitutional Court Resolution No. (6) of 2013. This allows the employees of any ministry, department, body or government institution to establish their own union - even if they are affiliated employees for the civil service system - to demand a 30% allowance (approved by the Ministers’ Council in 2011), and university grants for the children of Imams and people working in the mosque, like the rest of the workers in other ministries.
Abu Rumman added that the Commission resorted to the sit-in after exhausting all peaceful methods. Indeed they previously tried to open a dialogue with the decision-makers and they gave them adequate opportunities to respond to their demands without resorting to any measure of conflict escalation.