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> Suspension of the municipalities workers strike two weeks because of a parliamentary mediation

Suspension of the municipalities workers strike two weeks because of a parliamentary mediation

Phenix Center
Suspension of the municipalities workers strike two weeks because of a parliamentary mediation
Labor Watch - Municipalities employees decided to suspend their strike for two weeks after the Speaker of the House of Representatives promised to reach an agreement with the government to meet all demands.
"After discussing the demands of workers in the municipalities with the Speaker of the House of Representatives and a number of members of the Council and the adoption of the Council all the demands and the promise given by the Speaker of the House of Representatives to reach an agreement with the government to meet the demands, and since some demands need legislation and others need to the approval of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the Executive Council of the Union decided to suspend the strike for two weeks”, said Ahmad Alsaadi,president of Independent Labor Union for Municipality Workers.
Alsaadi added, "Workers in the municipalities will continue their strike after the two-week period if the demands and the legitimate rights of municipal workers are not met ".